Gay bars west hollywood open tuesyda

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to 2 p.m., hang with locals and enjoy fresh produce, flowers and fish in the north parking lot of Plummer Park. Shop Local at Helen Albert Certified Farmers’ Market Alfred: Located at the millennial pink beauty haven of Glossier Alley, this ultra-Instagrammable spot offers a variety of lattes and other brews as well as hearty breakfast items such as their legendary breakfast burrito.Cha Cha Matcha: Artisanal coffee shop specializing in energizing matcha lattes and seasonal wellness drinks.Verve Coffee Roasters: Single-origin coffees, specialty lattes and breakfast items in a hip, industrial space.(Though, admittedly, there’s not a lot for kids.)Ī number of great coffee houses are nearby. Rainbow CrosswalksĪt the intersection of Santa Monica and San Vicente boulevards, the rainbow crosswalks remind everyone that West Hollywood is a sanctuary city for the LGBTQ community. Start your vacation with these hot spots. Walking around town is a great way to get a feel for the city’s vibe. These are just a few of the endless options in West Hollywood. Longing for a vacation in a bright destination that lets you relax – even indulge – completely judgment-free? Here are seven days in West Hollywood you absolutely deserve and will never forget.Ĭhoose daily itineraries to suit your interests and length of stay in this captivating and creative city.

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